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Foster Form

Have you always wanted to do something to help rescue but are not ready to make a lifelong commitment by adopting?

Fostering a rescue Bully with Adopt A Bully rescue presents an opportunity to help save lives on an ongoing basis!

A foster home is a safe haven for a rescued Bully. It is the most crucial yet scarcest ingredient in dog rescue. The more available foster homes there are, the more Bull Terriers we are able to rescue.

Briefly, the responsibilities of a bully foster family are to provide a safe, secure, stable environment and, most importantly, the love needed to nurture those bully babies back to their happy, healthy selves. Some of our bullies require special care, such as post medical attention, increasing weight or strength, socialising, building trust, exercise...and fun. BUT most of all our bully babies just require you.


There are no financial commitment to you as a foster carer. If needed, we are happy to supply food, bedding, collar, a lead and such like. However, we also understand if you would like to purchase some products yourself. If you are in need of any essentials for your foster bull terrier then please contact your foster liaison.

All potential fosters must have a fully secure garden with any gates being lockable from the inside and the facilities to keep a foster dog separate from their own dogs, this may be by having dog/baby gates, dog crates. This is for the safety of all concerned, it can take a few days for the dogs to get used to one another and they should never be left on their own together without supervision.

Foster dogs should always to be crated / kept separate at night and when you are not in the house.

Vet work will be covered by AABR as long as sanctioned by AABR before being carried out.

If you have children that you intend to interact with the foster dog then AABR condones appropriate behaviour including the children of all ages respecting the dogs and their space. There are very clear guidelines in relation to not touching or disturbing a sleeping dog. No riding on the dog, pulling at, hitting, grabbing around the neck, approaching whilst eating. You must actively supervise your children at all times with the foster dog.

It is impossible to predict the length of time that a dog will remain in your care. If for any reason you are unable to continue fostering, then please ensure AABR are given at least 7 days’ notice (preferably 14 days). Please understand that although AABR will make every effort to remove the dog within this time frame it may not always be possible, we ask that you please be patient whilst we organise alternative arrangements.

Foster dogs should never be allowed off lead, unless you have access to a fully fenced safe area, from which the dog cannot escape and is not open to the public. Foster dogs should never be walked by anyone from outside of the household and not by anyone under the age of 18 years old. Neither should anyone else be allowed to look after them without permission from the rescue.


Please remember that the foster dog is in your care and it is up to you to ensure that appropriate care is taken in all situations and that the foster dog is under your full control at all times. We would advise if possible you take time off work to help your new dog settle into his/her new home

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